Leader As Coach Program
To coach a team collectively, which you don’t know, is some kind of Jedi force!! What I really appreciated about Michelle was her active listening as she always had great follow up questions to the comments we each made, and on a couple of occasions she landed really powerful questions… which arrested us to become reflective in the moment.”
GSK Global Medical Affairs
I really appreciated Michelle’s courage to challenge us as a group, and especially to remind us each of our accountability to both set and achieve our personal goals.
Regional Director
I wish she could have heard first hand the buzz after the session as it would have been both humbling and rewarding in equal measure.
National Director
Know Where You Stand
Self reflection and self evaluation is an essential leadership skillset. In order to grow and excel leaders need an internal system of self- evaluation so they understand how to manage the professional development efforts. We have developed an assessment tool that provides such an opportunity.
Great leaders know high-performance comes from frequent, meaningful conversations with their employees.
They know what to talk about because they know their people well, which sparks the conversations that improve performance and build genuine relationships.
Unfortunately only about 2 in 10 leaders intuitively understand how to engage employees, develop their strengths and set clear expectations through everyday conversations. In effect, only about 2 in 10 leaders instinctively know how to coach. (Gallup study)
Introducing Leader as Coach
A coaching culture builds leaders who are exceptional at motivating and inspiring their
teams to bring out their very best. Our Leader as Coach program helps leaders learn
how to develop trust quickly, deliver quality one-on-ones, leverage the strengths
of individuals on their team, and develop a growth mindset that improves employee
engagement and provides consistent growth.
People are 4 times more likely to do or
act on something if they have thought
of it themselves.
in seven industries and 45 countries and found that great managers are completely
different from adequate ones.
Gallup study
Bossing is the least of what they do and a last, unwelcome, resort.
Rather, these leaders are coaches.
And coaching is distinct from bossing, Gallup’s research shows, in 3 key ways:
Coaches focus on individual and team engagement,
seeing their role as the provider of what employees
need to succeed. Whether by training or preternatural
talent — or, ideally, both — they know the 12 elements of
engagement by heart and deliver them. Bosses, on the other hand, usually just tell people what
to do.
Coaches understand, leverage and get great
satisfaction from deploying the unique talents and
strengths of each employee. Great leaders are always
developing and positioning talent to maximize outcomes, and they get extraordinary results from it: Workers who know and use their strengths average 10% to 19% increased sales and 14% to 29% increased profit, among other bottom-line results.
Coaches set clear expectations and performance goals, offering feedback that optimizes individual strengths (a rare practice, as only 26% of employees say the feedback they get helps them do better work) and increases team effectiveness.
Bosses, however, typically watch for opportunities to correct or punish employees whose performance doesn’t measure up.
The decision making workload of a
leader who effectively uses a coaching approach
can be reduced by up to 50%
University of Bath Study
A coaching culture builds leaders who are exceptional at motivating and inspiring their
teams to bring out their very best. Our Leader as Coach program helps leaders learn
how to develop trust and create psychological safety with their teams, engage
employees in coaching conversations while also providing feedback, and develop a
growth mindset that improves employee engagement and accelerates performance.
Introducing Leader as a Coach
Day 01
Building Trust &
Active Listening
Day 02
Day 03
Day 04
Developing Talent
& Managing Performance
Bonus Day*
Coaching The Middle
Four, 90 minute Group coaching circles for participants following each session to embed content.